Violation of the uniform code is subjected to disciplinary action enforcement
It is mandatory for all students to reach the school on time. Latecomers with valid reasons and accompanied by parents will be accommodated up to the first period only. Absence from school for a day on valid grounds, supported by an application from the parent the next day, will be acceptable. However prior intimation from the parent, in writing, is mandatory for a leave of absence exceeding one-day. Truancy from school is a grave offense and can result in a student’s suspension or expulsion from school. A student will be allowed to leave school before closing time only for valid reasons in company with only FATHER, MOTHER, or recognized GUARDIAN.
Bringing Radios, portable audio/video playing devices, Mobile phones, Pagers, iPods, Flash memory, Calculators, Laptop/ minicomputers, Cameras, weapons, or any other gadgetry and objectionable literature to the school is strictly prohibited. All such materials found in the possession of a student will be promptly confiscated.
Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination and change lives for the better .Hence library care is mandatory and rules to be observed strictly.